Regional Airport Planning Committee (RAPC)

The Regional Airport Planning Committee (RAPC) makes recommendations that have an impact on transportation planning, air quality and the development of the San Francisco Bay.

Noah Berger

The Regional Airport Planning Committee (RAPC) oversees the periodic development and updating of the Regional Airport System Planning Analysis, which recommends policies for both commercial and general aviation airports.

Airports and the Federal Aviation Administration use these recommendations when preparing airport master plans and environmental documents for proposed airport improvements.

MTC uses the Regional Airport System Planning Analysis to help guide decisions about surface transportation investments that provide access to airports. Examples include:

  • BART to SFO extension
  • BART-OAK connector
  • SMART Phase 1 corridor extension to Sonoma County Airport

RAPC Members

RAPC members include, but are not limited to:

  • MTC commissioners
  • Elected officials who serve on the boards of the Association of Bay Area Governments, Bay Area Air Quality Management District and the Bay Conservation and Development Commission
  • Representatives from each of the Bay Area’s three major commercial airports
  • The Federal Aviation Administration

Staff Contact

For assistance, including information on upcoming meetings and joining the email list, please contact:

Elizabeth Bugarin, Regional Planning Program
Phone: 415-778-6745
Email: [email protected]

Changes to the Bay

The Bay Conservation and Development Commission uses the Regional Airport System Planning Analysis to evaluate proposed airport improvements that would require filling in portions of San Francisco Bay.

Air Quality Concerns

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District considers the Regional Airport System Planning Analysis when preparing federal and state air quality plans.