Joint MTC Planning Committee with the ABAG Administrative Committee

The MTC Planning Committee meets regularly with the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Administrative Committee to discuss joint efforts such as Plan Bay Area.

Wilhelm Gunkel/Unsplash

The MTC Planning Committee considers matters relating to MTC regional, corridor-level, and other planning activities.

The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Administrative Committee studies and submits reports and recommendations to the Executive Board on matters assigned by the Board.

These two committees meet to discuss joint efforts, including Plan Bay Area.

This joint committee meets the second Friday of each month.

Staff Contact

For assistance, including information on upcoming meetings and joining the email list, please contact:

Martha Silver, Executive Office
Phone: 415-778-6693
Email: [email protected]

What is ABAG?

ABAG strengthens cooperation and collaboration across local governments. MTC works frequently with ABAG to build healthier, stronger communities.

Learn more about ABAG.

MTC Planning Committee

  • James P. Spering, Chair
  • Eddie Ahn, Vice Chair
  • David Canepa
  • Carol Dutra-Vernaci
  • Matt Mahan
  • Stephanie Moulton-Peters
  • Sue Noack
  • David Rabbitt
  • Non-voting member: Dorene Giacopini
ABAG Administrative Committee
  • Belia Ramos, Chair; ABAG Executive Board President; Supervisor, Napa County
  • Jesse Arreguin, Vice Chair; ABAG Executive Board Vice President; Mayor, City of Berkeley
  • Candace Anderson, Supervisor, Contra Costa County, District 2
  • Pat Eklund, Councilmember, City of Novato
  • Otto Lee, Supervisor, County of Santa Clara
  • David Rabbitt, Supervisor, Sonoma County; ABAG Executive Board Immediate Past President
  • Carlos Romero, Councilmember, City of East Palo Alto
  • Cindy Silva, Mayor, City of Walnut Creek
  • Wanda Williams, Supervisor, Solano County, District 3
  • Vacant (3)

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