Public Opinion

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In 2020, staff from MTC and the Association of Bay Area Governments held 35 public events about Plan Bay Area 2050, in order to exchange ideas with residents and staff from partner organizations. Over...

News Release

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) today released for public review a revised draft plan to help people with limited proficiency in the English language access the agency’s essential...

News Release

How can we get more people involved in prioritizing transportation policies and investments? MTC is inviting public review and comments on its Draft 2018 Public Participation Plan.

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Have you seen any recent changes in your commute? Do you want better connections with an agency that plans for the future of our road, highway and transit networks? The Metropolitan Transportation...

News Release

Note: View the latest Plan Bay Area 2050+ Summer Engagement events . MTC and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) invite Bay Area residents to help shape the future of the region through...

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The Bay Trail SFO Gap Study will identify potential Bay Trail alignments to close a three-mile Bay Trail gap around San Francisco International Airport and project planners want to hear from the...